The Official Blog of Vehicle Inspection Systems

Thursday 17 November 2016

Tips for Wheel Safety Device

Human nature is a double edge sword. On the one hand, the mind can act with caution as check lists ticked off. The double edge comes into play when you are unsure whether your lug nuts are tightened after you have mounted a wheel back on after inspection. In some, it can be instant while in others it can slip back into the sub conscious zone before it resurfaces again. 

To remove this play of “to be or not be” scenario in the mind, employing wheel safety devices is the ideal methodology. The solution is cost effective, as the device does not cost an arm or a leg. This is attaining peace of mind as the device ensures that the lug nuts are not loose. The instrument of peace is called Squirrel wheel safety device manufactured by VIS – Vehicle Inspection Systems based in Orlando, Florida. It is
•    Lightweight
•    Impact resistant
•    Manufactured from engineered nylon
•    Easily fitted
•    Can withstand wide temperature fluctuation
•    Corrosion resistant to chemicals and general road wear

The Squirrel once fitted on the lug nuts is ensuring the wheel nuts are in place; if the wheels are covered in grime and road dust the Squirrel is still doing its job. 

Vehicle Inspection Systems have created a simple and effective engineering of wheel safety. This device is suitable for multi-studded wheels of 6, 8 or 10 studs that are normal in truck vehicles.

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